Hi there I’ve just joined today. I wonder if someone can help. I have my machine connected to my computer and I’m trying to use the app but can’t get the text button to work. Does anyone have any ideas. Thank you
Hi, I might be able to help. Could you explain in more detail what’s happening?
I ve just set the app to my new tower computer. I can get the pictures to move onto my screen but when I try to apply text it won’t work. The text box is there but when I try to type text nothing happens
So does the text box come up with the letters text? You may have to double click the text wording to high light it and then you can type what you want.
Hahah I’m so silly I never tried that. That’s it working thank you so much. I’m new to the equipment so you will probably be fed up with my questions soon
No not all. I love to help. I’m glad I could help you. I have a video tutorial on the software if you are interested. Might help you get going faster
That would be so helpful thank you.
I have a siblimination printer as well is there any way to print designs onto that from my LOKLiK app then cut it on my LOKLiK printer. Do you have a tutorial for that. Thank you
Good to know. My machine arrives tomorrow so I’m sure I’ll have lots of questions too. I’ll be sure to remember this tip for sure! thanks
Sorry I went to bed, I was so tired last night. My tutorial video for Loklik Idea studio is LOKLiK Idea Studio 2 0 Installation Tutorial
You could do this but I wouldn’t advise it, as the print quality from the app is not as good compared to a program like photoshop or Inkscape. It’s the same with the Cricut design space, not sure why but the software reduced the print quality. Unless you wanted your machine to cut it as well, I personally wouldn’t use Idea studio to print your sublimation design. If you are still unsure, let me know and I’ll explain more.
I don’t have videos yet on the loklik icraft as i’m waiting on my machine as well, but both the loklik crafter and the loklik icraft use the same software so you should find the videos helpful.
Loklik has a Print and cut feature so I guess this is possible. I’m just not sure about the parameters for the cutting if there are sublimation material presets.
Yes, they have print then cut feature. It’s currently easier to calibrate it on the icraft machine not the crafter machine. It takes a bit to get it going unfortunately. I really hope they improve this. While trying to get it working though, Loklik recommends to have the software and firmware updated to the latest version. Some people have had trouble updating the firmware as well.
I don’t have an iCraft yet unfortunately so I can’t compare the calibration with the Crafter. But the Crafter sometimes has a difficult time in detecting registration marks causing delays in calibration and sometimes even after calibration, the cuts don’t improve much or doesn’t stay consistent
Still hoping Loklik would improve on this, and take note of the other suggestions in other topics here and apply them to both machines
Esto también podría interesarme a mi, que no tengo ningún conocimiento del tema
@Kon Hi, yes sure this is my tutorial here. LOKLiK Idea Studio 2.0 Complete Beginners Guide Tutorial
Hope it helps, please let me know if you have any questions and I’ll do my best to answer them.
thank you sorry for not answering sooner I’ve been watching your videos on YouTube they are super helpful thanks.
Hi! I’m new here and happy to discover this community
I have one question and can’t find the answer anywhere or maybe I just don’t look in the right place.
In my language there are some letters with diacritical signs (Croatian language - šđčćž), but not all fonts in my system have them, so I was wondering if there is anywhere in Idea studio that I can add this diacritical signs? I have seen my friend add them in Cricut, so maybe loklik also have them somewhere.
I was looking all over, and can’t find so maybe someone can help
Thank you!
Search on your computer for word map also the letters with hearts and glyphs can be found there
Find the font that has the elements you want choose the same font on idea studio then copy from Word map paste in Idea studio.