I wanted to share with you my project which was a huge success
I made these pretty pouches / handbags with the help of HTVRONT and Loklik
HTVRONT glitter htv is my favourite I uploaded the design on the idea studio and cut it with Loklik crafter ( the first edition)
The settings were HTVRONT glitter heat transfer vinyl. Then I used the Loklik mini press without a pressure and just like that easily I was done
I hope it inspires you my friends😊
Awwww these bags are beautiful. I haven’t seen these type before. I can see why they were a success.
What country are you from again?
I need to invest and import from abroad lmao
Thank you dear I live in Germany but here’s the surprise
The bags are from Shein
They look fabulous! What a brilliant way to make them unique.
Thank you they really look fancy most of my costumers were brides / engaged so they wanted to show up with these bags
Omg really, thank you for sharing that information. SHEIN that’s amazing. Would mind sharing the product code for this via dm? I’d love to order some x
I LOVE these! They came out so well.
Thank you dear I’m glad to give you ideas
So beautiful, I love Shein it’s awesome. I get a lot of blanks from there. I’ll have to find these bags though, so cute.
Those bags are adorable and your decorative additions to it made them even more fabulous. I understand why they were a big hit
I’ll send you the code as well
That’s so sweet of you thanks
Those turned out beautiful! The htv really made them look fancy.
Thank you yes I love the glitter htv from HTVRONT
Here is a tutorial video
Thank you I will have a look at this video when the children are in bed so I have a little bit of me time to process everything LOL. I would love to make YouTube videos but right now it’s my creative space is limited but definitely in the future I will when I have my own space.
Yes I’d love to do that too but it’s lots of work I only post on Instagram and Tiktok and I still find filming and editing takes lots of time I only cut short speed and add my voice nothing special with editing but still lots of time and lots of phone memory
That’s the thing that editing is what drains me and because I’m a perfectionist what is only 10 minutes on screen takes me 24 hours LOL and don’t even get me started on voices. I just repeat myself 100 times until I sound tired in the videos and I just give up on post LOL.
This is true, editing is sooo time consuming
Oh it really can be. Some videos take me 6 hours to edit