Importing Cricut projects into Loklik

I want to share this information because I think it should be here, but if it is incorrect, please let me know.

First of all, this information does not belong to me. It was shared by a friend on Facebook. I searched for him and the related topic on this page. I could not find it. If the friend who shared this information on Facebook is here, I would be happy if he could specify himself.

A sharer asks the following;
“I have a file I got from Cricut, I do not know how to use it with Loklik. Is there a way to do this?”
Another user says that he can find it in the system files.
As a continuation of the correspondence, I asked the following;
“I went to the Cricut system folder, but I could not find my files in the folders there. Does anyone know which folder I should look in?”

The answer given by the friend Sania who shared the information;
"You go to your computer’s hard drive
you find the “Users” folder, you click on it
You click on your personal folder
You look for the “.cricut-design-space” folder, you click on it
You click on the “LocalData” folder
Then you click on the first folder which is actually your Cricut ID and which is presented as a series of numbers
And finally you click on the “Canvas” folder
And there you will have a whole series of folders which are actually your saved projects.
Each folder contains 3 files including one called “Preview.png”.



Wow I will check it right now :open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth:

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I don’t have a cricut, but this is a nice tip for those who have one

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I don’t have a Cricut, but browsing through its library once in a while gives me ideas and sometimes, I may need to use some things. :wink:

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