Loklik Blades differences

Hey guys so I have the two Loklik machines and today I wanted to use the old one and I’m sure I got both kinds of blades came in with both machines (as the company has sent them to me to test and review)
But now I was confused I found the blue blades shown in the picture but they don’t fit in the blade housing of the crafter!
But they fit in the housing of the I craft machine (the second housing)
I just want to make sure which blades goes with which machine!
The blade on the left is thicker than the one on the right.
So please tell me which blades do you have with your machines…


My crafter has the thinner blade with the ridge in the middle.

So the thicker blade doesn’t fit the Crafter?

The iCraft kit doesn’t come with the blue blade right? And the foiling attachment isn’t also included?


As I said I have more materials than usual because they sent everything to me to make my reviews
The I craft has two housing with blades and foil kit which is normally I think isn’t included in the box.
So I guess the thick one is for sure for the icraft machine as it fits in the second housing


So the LOKLik icraft come with a pen housing and a blade housing. The blade housing is silver and pen housing is black. You only receive 2x fine point blades with the Icraft.

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This is what came with the crafter machine. I think you are holding the crafter blade housing in the photo. It’s interesting that the blades are different thicknesses?


No dear I’ve received more materials and the deep blade with housing which is showing in my hand also with the foil kit and bunch of materials, vinyl, htv, smart htv, sticker paper, card stock and leather too.
I tested everything and gave my review to a questionnaire that was made by the company and sent to the influencers.


Yes that’s what I though why the blade is different but it only fits to the icraft deep blade housing :grimacing: the thing is I thought which is obvious that all blades should be the same and put them all in one box :sweat_smile:

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Oh I understand now, the deep point blade is a different thickness. Maybe they did this so you don’t get the two mixed up. Also the crafter machine can’t use the deep point blade at all, so maybe another measure to not put the wrong blade in the wrong machine.


Oh yes dear the crafter do has the deep point blade and I’ve used it before when I cut cardstock coz the settings says when you choose glitter cardstock to use the deep point blade for it

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Oh really, does the crafter deep point blade come with a different housing too?


No there was one housing only. I was actually surprised to see two housings with the I craft.

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I’m interested in the foiling kit? Would it fit the Crafter?


Dk I will try it for you…

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Yes it does but idk about the settings if it’s available for the crafter /


If we can buy ut separately, maybe we can try? I hope :pray:t2:

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Before buying it check if the settings gives you foil in the crafter I didn’t check

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Oh, I think Crafter only has Draw, Print and Cut and Standard Cut. Didn’t check if it had foiling

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Hi…I am trying out the parts which came with the new iCraft machine. Is this right, that the double-end pen only fits the pen housing when you’re using the fine tip end? I cannot figure it out and it is driving me mad.


For the Loklik Crafter, it’s the same. Only the fine tip can be inserted in the pen holder.

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Yes, only the fine tip end fits in the pen housing on both the icraft and crafter machines. I have done the out line of words with the fine tip pen on the machine and then gone over it with brush to thicken it up