Hi am lesley thank you for invite to this amazing community am sure i will find loads of info and help on projects for the future my girls got me loklik crafter for xmas and just learning it all have done few wee projects or should i say girls flung me in at deep end with branding all her make up sponsors uniforms and few other bits and bobs slowly learning how to do things as they should instead of jumping in and just doing it must admit i do love the weeding process
Hello and welcome to the community. It’s absolutely amazing that you’ve got gifted a machine for Christmas and your girls are great for doing so as it only benefits them too In the long run. I’m glad Were able to work around with the machine and be able to do projects with ease. Now that you are in this community and have had a play with the machine you can easily make projects and share your work here and inspire others with your creations. I can’t wait to see what you have made and what you are yet to make we are a lovely bunch on here. Anything you need feel free to reach out to anyone of us and we will be happy to help.
PS, have you joined the LOKLiK community on Discord? It Is another platform where you are able to connect with fellow members from around the globe who are also sharing their creations and you can also be in the chance of being part of challenges and winning great prizes. Click the link below if you Haven’t already joined and I hope to see you on the other end.
I’m happy you have accepted the invitation
Congratulations on your Christmas gift I hope you enjoy it and make lots of projects and share them with us
The more you share and discuss the more Cheer points you get and then replace them with a machine maybe
Looking forward to seeing your creations
Thank you looking forward to new projects and seeing what everyone is doing xx
Thank you so much cant wait to get right in about the machine no not joined on the other platform ill join eventually once suss this one out xx
Ooh can’t wait to see you on the other side x
Hello Lesley, welcome to the Loklik Community
Welcome, great to have you in the community. If you have any problems or don’t know where to start just ask in the community and there is always someone to help you.