Print and cut what's needed to be improved or done!

So I’m used to uploading the designs I like to print and cut ( also it can be a specific logo)
But on the Ideas Studio I find it very hard to edit any kind of images it’s just frustrating.

:boom: First uploading an image takes so much time specially when we want to expand the outline every click takes about a minute :flushed:and if you want a wide outline that will take forever to make!

:red_circle:Then after the picture is uploaded we can not edit it which I think it’s necessary to make some changes like I said before
**slicing an image **
This is very important thing to do as you can see in the pictures there are some lines on the be my valentine sticker maybe I want to delete them or just make them closer to the hearts to make the offset as one piece.
:red_circle:Also there is another problem which is the huge space around the design which makes us not know the exact size we are working on (the blue rectangle around the heart)
Well what if we want to add something to the image and make it as one image like adding text or something else (in design space we have FLATTEN) which makes everything function as print and cut.
I don’t know if I will add more requests :face_with_hand_over_mouth: but really these things we need ASAP.
Please share your ideas and thoughts and tutorials too ( tutorials in the DIY tutorial topic section)
And tell me which Method works the best for you when doing print and cut :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:


@Elena could you please pass it to the engineers


sure, noted. We’ll wait for the engineers to assess it after the holiday. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m sure it will be better :+1:t2::heart_eyes:

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I do hope they also make the registration marks adjustable and the sensor of the Crafter to be more accurate and consistent in reading the marks. It’s quite frustrating when we keep getting the “Failed to Read Marks” note even when using non glossy materials


Oh god that’s really frustrating, I didn’t get to that point yet coz I surrender after these problems :weary:

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