I’d like to thank Loklik, Htvront & the @admins of the Loklik Community for making it possible for me to receive a prize even though I’m from the Asian region
I received a Loklik Hat Heat Press for this event. I haven’t tested it out yet since i still need to purchase hats to test them on. But I’m excited to use them. Loklik machines are so pretty and aesthetic, I simply love looking at them
Will share in the future my projects done with my new Loklik Hat Heat Press machine
Congratulations on your win. Someone got lucky. I got a pack of 8 tumblers and some others just got Htv. I mean it’s sad that some of us got low value stuff and others more towards the $100. Mark.
It’s not sad actually whatever we got we are happy about the gifts and stuff.
I mean it’s a great idea to make this community and give prizes all over the world and the best is yet to come
Congratulations on winning such a great item! And I’m so glad to hear that the LokLik admins and company worked so hard to get the item to you, shows how much they care about their community! Have fun with your new toy and post pictures of your projects for us to see when you’re done!
Thisade me feel very appreciated as well. Very thankful to the hardworking admins & loklik for making ways for us members to enjoy the Loklik community more.
Thank you. Lets continue joining giveaways or maybe earn enough Cheers point and redeem the prizes. Hoping the redeeming process will also be available in our region soon