PUF vinyls have arrived

The PUF vinyls I ordered from Temu have arrived. I’ll start trying them right away. Let’s see how it goes.

I wonder if anyone has tried it before. Can they share their experiences?


You’ll need lots of pressure for puff and the proper temperature. Hope everything goes well


I think it went pretty well. I added it to the inspiration section. :wink:


I’ve only tried the metallic vinyls from temu. I like how easily it weeds after being cut by Loklik crafter, however, I haven’t tried washing it

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Normally to get a nice smooth puff look, what’s worked for me is a low temp, with heavy pressure. Puff can be quite fiddly and everyone’s settings might not work for you, but this is my general rule.

In this case, do you mean; If the temperature is too high, the smoothness will be less. Because the following happened; The package of the vinyl that came said that it should be set at 140 degrees. But I saw in some articles (HTVRONT) that it went up to 145 degrees. Frankly, I tried to keep it in between. Since I don’t have a big heat machine right now, I did the transfer process with a mini 3. Therefore, the machine is small, the area is big. More pressure and heat was applied to some places. In other words, the heat seemed to increase.

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Plus some puff vinyls would require 2 presses like the one from siser.

Oh, I saw these yesterday and I I thought of you LOL. I was gonna buy them, but I don’t know why I didn’t LOL. I’ve never tried it however when you do try let us know.

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Yes so if there’s not enough even pressure the puff can go wrinkly. Also if there is not enough heat or to high heat the puff can go wrinkly and brainy. I’ve only tried puff on my heat presses, I haven’t tried on a hand held press. I could never get puff to work on my htvront auto 1 heat press so I gave up on it. But it’s working good on my loklik impress auto 2 heat press. There was a bit of trial and error, I just cut squares out of the puff and pressed on scrapes of fabric till I got my desired result.


Can you share your settings for the auto press 2? Time, temp and presssure? :pray:t2:


Trial and error is the smart way. npt them all and then practice based on what you want for next time. :thinking::+1:


I agree with you. I would like to hear that.


Oh so sorry. Was editing videos all day.

So after testing a bunch of puff htv I found that siser easy puff worked best for me. It actually gave a nice full puff look, I used the htvront puff and it puffed but there was not alot of dimension.

Heat press settings
Temp 130 degrees celcius
Time 10 secs
Pressure 80kgs
So I use a firm silicone heat press mat instead of the mat that comes with the machine.

You could use these settings as a guide for you but to be honest your settings will probably be different. As it depends on heat press, your blank and brand of puff htv. I’ll make a video about puff and how you can test your results and troubleshoot. Probably be after valentine’s day crafts though.


Thank you for this. I’ve also wanted to try the Siser puff too. I also see from those in the US that use VTS 3D super puff butVi can’t purchase that in my region.

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Yeah it’s not available for me either. Siser easy puff it’s quite expensive for me almost $50 which sucks but it’s the only one i have had success with. Hopefully htv works on there’s and makes it real puffy.

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Same here, siser is quite expensive as well compared to htvront. That’s why I haven’t tried it yet

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