Are you sure it’s just not the video that’s been flipped because that’s what happens sometimes they’re probably edited the video and it got flipped. Share the video I’d like to see LOL.
This is so true that’s why I get every one in my household to proof check all my designs before Printing. But sometimes it can’t be done.
Ooopsie she made a major whoopsie
It happens to all of us
It really does, but I think the embarrassing part is when it’s actually reposted to a brand and They haven’t realised either LOL
They can just say it was intended meant to be a mirror image
I was going to say that. I would’ve been made even if I hadn’t taken a video of it but even more if I had and had posted it without realizing it.
Yes you know it’s very difficult sometimes to concentrate on everything together specifically when you have a deadline to post on social media
I made the same mistake as that post and people think I’m simply wearing a statement shirt I was new to crafting and using my loklik so i didn’t know you had to mirror htv
Just take mirror selfie and you’ll be fine or make extra effort and make it funny like adding more htv and write
If you read this you’re an expert
Yeah, I know. I feel embarrassed for them and the fact that LOKLIK Haven’t noticed it makes me howl even more LOL
Ha ha ha, I was just gonna write this. But it’s a little too late we’ve noticed ha ha
It’s all part of the learning process
They are beautiful. My puzzle orders arrived today. I can’t wait to try them tomorrow.
Yeeey I wish you success and update me with the results