Sublimation Puzzles

The first thing I wanted to do when I got my HTVRONT automatic heat press was puzzles :star_struck:
As a small business owner, I thought this would be the perfect gift for all ages and all occasions.
And as I trust the machine before I try it I bought my sublimation supplies and made my first sublimation try :grimacing: it was a huge success :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
I fell in love immediately and also my followers started ordering puzzles for their loved ones :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
This is why I wanted to inspire you guys to give it a try and I’m here to help you too :wink:

:red_circle:**the settings **

Of course the most important thing is, to know what time and temperature works the best.
I do mine on
380 Fahrenheit for 70 Seconds
I also do 375F it work too.

:red_circle:What you should do is tape your picture from all sides to insure it doesn’t move when the press closes on it.

:red_circle:To insure your pictures looks good they should have a good Quality :sparkles:

:warning::warning::warning::warning: Don’t forget to put parchment paper under the puzzle because the puzzle blanks comes slightly smaller than A4 but your prints are A4 (if we talke about this size)
So when you print you will have extra ink on the edges you don’t want it to be printed on your mat (as I did :sweat_smile:)

:eight_spoked_asterisk:What I use to sublimate on puzzles​:eight_spoked_asterisk:

:star:Sublimation printer (scf100)
:star2:Sublimation paper ( A-sub 125 then I’ve only used LOKLIK sublimation paper)
:star:Heat transfer tape
:star2:Puzzle blanks
:star:Automatic heat press (HTVRONT)

:eight_pointed_black_star:I also tried the manual heat press it worked very well but had to remove it because it needs lots of place.:eight_pointed_black_star:

P. S The most beautiful puzzle pictures are the ones taken outside in the nature :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me.🫶🏻

And here is a tutorial video on my Ig account :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m also interested to make those but I’m planning to do it on ref magnets instead so the kids can also play with them.


I’ve just ordered them and waiting patiently :sweat_smile: you know I’ve suggested previously to the company that they should make a magnet maker machine as they already have a button maker it should be a developed one to make magents :sweat_smile: I hope they do it Coz those magnet making videos on TIKTOK are crazyyyyyy​:laughing:


These are beautiful well done. The only thing that is holding me back from doing puzzles (I’ve done them before) as I can no longer find puzzles that come with boxes . I can only get hold of one that are shrink wrapped with the cardboard at the back but no longer ones that I used to get with a clear acetate box so I’m yet to find them but I Use 3mm thick puzzles which are absolutely stunning.


Oh I’ve never seen any with boxes :hushed: that would be nicer for sure :+1:t2:


Yeah, it’s a bit tough when you go from jigsaw puzzles with a box to jigsaw puzzles without a box LOL. If you don’t mind me asking, how would you ship these if you don’t get a box? I just personally think it’s more added cost to the business buying separate boxes.


:joy: No it doesn’t matter to me actually I break the puzzle into small pieces put it in a plastic bag with a Have fun / Viel Spaß sticker and ship it to the customer :smiling_face:


The reason is I don’t buy extra boxes and put the puzzle in them is that it will cost them more in shipping (7€) but when I ship this way it will cost only (3€) which makes it more affordable.


I see so do your jigsaw puzzles come with a cardboard in the back? How do you wrap them again?


Yes they do I through it away.
I use it during the sublimation process then I disassemble the puzzle into small pieces and wrap it again in a transparent bag and ship it. The meaning of the present is when the person starts assembling it and finds out it’s his own picture :smiling_face:


Oooh where do you purchase them from if you don’t mind me asking x


Ali express Amazon Temu they all have them


The ones I’ve ordered are not in boxes they’re just cellophane wrapped that’s why I asked where you got yours from. Mine are quite thick as well And not the thin ones.


They are the same I guess


I do mines this way as well. That’s the first thing I made with my press. A jig saw puzzle. The first one I messed up on because I forgot to mirror my image. I’ll try to find a picture.


Because my printer is a sublimation one I don’t have to mirror she does that my sweet baby printer :joy: which I didn’t know!!

So the first picture I forgot to mirror after I gave the print order and then said it’s OK it’s our family pic no problem it’s my first try😅


then when I printed it the printer has mirrored it :sweat_smile: so eventually it came out in the right position and I was surprised :star_struck: so I wrote on some fb sublimation group and they said that I don’t have too mirror the printer does :dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer:


My printer does this, I don’t need to mirror which is great because I would forget every time lol


Yeah I can have mines set up to automatically mirror but I haven’t yet.


I just saw a video on Loklik account they have made a Tshirt maybe for valentines day and totally forgot to mirror :sweat_smile: and I was like stop stop don’t press it :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Oh Noooo. We can catch others and miss ours sometimes.