Turn Ideas into Drawings with LOKLiK iCraft

Hey LOKLiK Fans!

I’ve always wanted to be good at drawing. You know, the kind of effortless, beautiful sketches that just flow onto paper. But in reality? My artistic skills top out at stick figures.

Then I found out about LOKLiK iCraft’s Draw function, and suddenly, my “I wish I could draw” turned into “Oh wait, I actually can?” :eyes:

What’s Possible?

I was scrolling through the community and saw @justkraftsph using this feature to create something super fun: Can’t Draw? Let your Loklik Do It!

It got me thinking—what else could I make with this? First thing that popped into my head: coloring books. Imagine designing your own pages, printing them out, and coloring them in your style. :sparkles:

How It Works

:one: Assemble the painting pen and pop it into the housing.
:two: Swap out the blade for the pen—smooth transition, no hassle.
:three: Load up your material (cardstock, vinyl, whatever you’re feeling).
:four: Pick a design from the library or create your own—text, patterns, doodles, go wild.
:five: Let the LOKLiK machine bring your ideas to life with precision drawing.

Quick Draw Guide

Now I’m curious—what have you made with the Draw function? Let’s hear it! Drop your ideas below. :point_down:


Since it’s finicky to put designs on store-bought brown paper bags, I decided to personalize it with the drawing function of the Loklik Crafter


Since you have mention it. I Just tried it now and the result is awesome


I use the drawing tool all the time for sentiments and decorations in cards. Its really great. My handwriting is not the best, my mum said I should of been a doctor lol


Oh so the doctor handwriting joke is universal! :rofl:


This is so nice! I love the idea.


I’ve been working in the crafts field for 4 years and never used the pens or draw with them :sweat_smile:


I’ve used pens so many times, I’m supposed you haven’t.

I’ve even been so lazy to write a letter and the machine has written it for me :rofl::rofl::rofl:

It gave that handwritten feel lol


Where can additional pens for the LOKLIK icraft be purchased from? I get asked this a lot in my personal crafting group.


You can also do it as product labels, I just used acrylic marker and clear scotch tape


This is a good idea. :heart: I love it. What brand of acrylic markers did you use?

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:astonished: wow! This is is sooo cool

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