Urgent Feature Improvements Needed for LOKLiK Studio

Urgent Feature Improvements Needed for LOKLiK Studio

I am writing to bring to your attention several critical features missing or unclear in LOKLiK Studio that are essential for completing basic design tasks efficiently. Without these functions, what should be simple projects turn into lengthy and frustrating processes.

  1. Missing Slice Feature for Image Merging
    When attempting to merge two images and slice one out of the other, I noticed that the slice feature is unavailable. This is a fundamental tool that would greatly enhance the user experience, and its absence significantly limits our ability to complete even basic design tasks. I urge you to prioritize adding this feature as soon as possible.

  2. Inability to Curve Text
    I encountered a major limitation when designing a logo for my partner’s business: the inability to curve text. This is a crucial feature for creating custom stickers and other design elements. Its absence prevented me from completing an important project and makes the software less versatile for professional use. I strongly recommend adding the ability to curve text immediately.

  3. Unclear Duplicate Design Function
    While the ability to duplicate a design is available, it is not intuitive. The two small squares in the corner are not immediately recognizable to most users as the duplicate option, leading to confusion and delays. I recommend making this feature more obvious, such as adding it in the bottom panel under the “Editing” or “Actions” tab, clearly labeled so users can easily identify and access it.

  4. Inability to Save Edits to the Same Project
    Currently, LOKLiK Studio does not allow users to save edits to the same project. After making changes, we are forced to save the project under a new name each time. This is a significant inconvenience as it disrupts workflow and leads to multiple versions of the same project, making file management cumbersome. It would be extremely helpful to enable users to save changes to the same project, eliminating the need to create new versions with every edit.

  5. Auto Update Feature for Pre-Installed Versions
    Another essential feature I cannot stress enough is the addition of auto-updates for pre-installed LOKLiK versions across all devices. I find it extremely inconvenient to have to delete and re-download the software on all my smart devices each time an update is released. This process takes up valuable time and storage space, which is not ideal for users. I highly suggest implementing an automatic update feature within the program to streamline this process and make it more efficient for all users.

These enhancements would vastly improve the functionality of LOKLiK Studio and make it a more powerful tool for users at all levels. Key features like these are essential for providing a smoother, more encouraging user experience. I hope you will consider these suggestions with urgency, as they are critical for improving the overall user experience.


What I wrote before plus I just discovered something else we can’t save the same project over and over again.
If we save a project and then made some changes it won’t be saved to the same version we need to save it in another name…
This is something obvious to save the edits in the same project!!!


Oh no, I didn’t see your post. I will add this into the list of things that need addressing for improvement of the software to make it user-friendly.


I posted on the software zone last week about slicing images about countor and just today about the print and cut.
The saving just came to my mind :rofl::rofl::rofl:


It’s like choosing Save As instead of just Save. I hope this can be fixed


Really great observations. I hope the necessary arrangements are made.


Thank you, Iqra, for your sincere feedback. I will relay the software suggestions to the product and research department. They will need some time to further evaluate and iterate on the updates. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Your welcome, I’m glad to know these suggestions are being forwarded and hopefully looking to be implemented soon.