Contour to delete

I think we need the option Contour to function like design space as it allows us to delete small cut parts or to make out from a plain outline image a multi colour one.


That would be a nice feature


Yes I totally agree, I don’t like how they have set it up at present. It’s to finicky and takes to long


The Idea studio still has a long way to go, maybe that’s why others are opting to use other programs that have more functions


The Contour feature in Ideastudio allows you to select from the red box on the left, and then view the specific contour on the right. You can hide or delete any unnecessary ones. Is this what you need?


So I have converted this picture to svg and uploaded it to the Loklik studio… You see the small little cuts they are hundredsand are not shown in the layer panel when contour functions like design space I would easily select hide all and leave the green area that I only need! BUT here it was not possible to do that so I had to put shapes and slice the image which takes lots of time and steps.


Another example :see_no_evil: so this picture is from the Loklik library I’ve edited it and made offset etc but now I want to fill the small spaces in the body of the butterfly not the wings so here if I was at design space I would click on contour and just click on the parts that I don’t want to stay empty they would be hidden and that’s how I get a full black body of the butterfly.


I hid the layers as you said and cut the main frame. Now when I reactivate the layers to cut the insides, it creates the same shape a second time. Since I changed the size the previous time, the second shape is not the same size. Therefore, as you mentioned above, it is difficult to align the shape. If we fit it wrong, the shape will be distorted. What is the solution for this?