Pregunta principiante

Hola a todos! Mi pregunta, puede ser un poco tonta, pero para no meter la pata.
Quiero dibujar sobre una hoja normal a4, pero pienso que el papel quedará pegado a la alfombra o se romperá.
Como debo hacerlo para que no pase eso?
Nunca antes he usado un plotter.


Hello, you need to use the light grip mat. But before sticking your paper, try dabbing the mat first on a towel to lessen the stickiness. Hope this helps.

If ever you get paper stuck on your mat and seems impossible to remove. You can always wash your mat and use a scraper to remove the paper while its wet. Then wash lightly with some dish washing soap then hang to dry.

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Muchísimas Gracias :kissing_heart:

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Its useful to flip the mat over on to it’s face and slowly bend the mat back while pushing the paper down. It helps to get things off your mat easier, you can do this for anything stuck on your mat, paper, vinyl etc. Just be careful not to bend the mat to far as it can bend and break.

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Thank you for showing the an image. This was what I was describing in my previous comment :sweat_smile:

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Gracias a todos por los consejos.
Me encanta esta comunidad

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